A year in review
The latest edition of our flagship magazine – Banking Technology – is out now, packed with news, analysis and insights, case studies, research and expert commentary.
A note from our editor, Sharon Kimathi:
It’s the time of year we’ve all been longing for since Sibos – or even earlier for the cynics within us. Winter balls and drinks invites are sent across the industry, while out of office notifications flood our inboxes.
Family plans are being scheduled instead of client meetings and shoppers flood the streets with giant bags loaded with potential prezzies. We made it. It’s the end of year holiday season!
This year, we decided to give our dear readers a gift – our very first ‘year in review’ supplement compiled by our very own diligent reporter, Ruby Hinchliffe. Here, she dissects her top five 2019 fintech trends from this year’s top stories. The trends in Ruby’s sights are digitisation and the race to profitability, the growth of paytech, regulation, cybersecurity and big tech’s influence in banking.
Who can mention the holiday season without some cybersecurity analysis? Someone who might be in dire need of reading Sundeep Tengur’s three tips for fraud prevention. The senior business solutions manager at SAS notes that Christmas is one of the most lucrative times of year for fraudsters, especially those who commit identity theft. So, buyers beware!
Daniel Domberger, partner at Livingstone, argues that the UK departing from the EU without a deal or a change of government might lead to two main points for private equity investors in 2020.
“The first is that domestic political risk is back in a big way as far as investors are concerned,” he says, along with the uncertainty over future regulations that makes it harder for PE investors to back earlier-stage disruptive businesses. For Domberger, “investors in 2020 are likely to focus on businesses with more established platforms and less grandiose ambitions”.
Elsewhere, Andrew Rabbitt, CEO, incuto, predicts that 2020 will be an interesting year for the credit union and community banking sector. “A series of events and announcements have paved the way for what will hopefully be an explosion of interest in membership to these institutions,” he opines.
Andrée Simon, president and CEO at FINCA Impact Finance, presents her four fintech and financial inclusion trends for 2020, from fintechs playing a crucial role in narrowing the gender pay gap, to predicting financial firms’ shift towards a touch-tech service delivery model that combines fintech innovation with a human-centred approach.
We hope you enjoy this special edition and the FinTech Futures team wishes you all a wonderful holiday season and a fantastic new year!
The December/January edition of Banking Technology features:
Five top trends from this year’s top stories.
Through a Gen Z lens
Fintechs and climate change.
Three trends to watch in 2020.
Industry insights
Factors impacting cash management for corporates.
Editor’s choice
Fintech and financial inclusion trends to keep an eye on.
Next year looks bright for community banking.
Beware! Fraudsters are out in force at Christmas.
What’s next for investment in tech?
Legacy players will fight back in 2020.
I’m just saying…
Banking faces its Uber moment.
Food for thought
A love letter to the Messy Middle.
Ask the expert
Practical, free advice on how to grow your business.
And not to forget the Regulars of course:
News – the good, the bad and the ugly.
Appointments – the movers and the shakers.
Industry events – mark your calendars!